A Guide To Efficiently Packing For Your Honeymoon


The honeymoon season is here, which is all part and parcel of the great themed weddings in India. This means newlyweds from all walks of life will be getting ready to fly or float to their dream destination with the new spouses. Airline tickets and hotel reservations aside, it is important to pack the right things for this once-in-a-lifetime vacation. After all, this holiday could pretty much set the tone to how the following days of your married lives will be.

While the wedding itself, even if it was conducted by the best wedding planners in Chennai, might have taken a toll, it is now time to relax. With the following tips as suggested by brides.com, you’ll be as cool as a cucumber before and during your honeymoon.

To make sure you never forget a thing, remember to start packing early, which means packing at least a week or so before your departure. If your plan is to leave right after your wedding, there is no way that you will have time to pack and head out the door on time so do it before the guests start arriving and the wedding fever starts. Not only does making a packing list and packing early prevent stress, but there is also less chance of leaving important items behind.

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Make sure to label all luggage on the inside and out. Use a unique marking to recognise it easily and prevent theft. If you are carrying jewelry or other important items such as documents or medication, make sure to keep it in your hand luggage rather than checking it in. Always have several soft and hard copies of visas, passports, credit or debit case and other IDs just in case they are ever misplaced or stolen. It is also important to always keep your family and friends informed of your itinerary so they will know where to contact you if something goes wrong.

Make sure you have enough clothes to last you for the duration of your honeymoon. If you are going for a longer vacation, it is better to have a few clothes and wash in between. Always have two pairs of shoes that you’ve already worn and are used to – this will prevent blisters. Choose one for walking during the day and another for dressier dinners.

Try not to over pack. Leave some space for souvenirs and other trinkets. You can always buy more clothes if yours are damaged or lost. Traveling light also has the benefit of being easily maneuverable. Keep a couple of plastic bags for your wet clothes or dirty laundry. Your day bag should be able to hold all the things you need comfortably and should ideally be RFID certified and rip-resistant. Consider investing in a water bottle with a filter to help keep germs at bay and always carry antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizer.

Leave your computers and big toiletries at home and stick to smaller versions like a netbook or a tablet. Store all your information offline as well as in the cloud for maximum security. Wind down the social network habit until you’re back home. After all, you’re on holiday to enjoy.

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